School Calendar


Hi there, and welcome to the English department's blog at La Merced.

This is where you'll find all kinds of things, from instructions for your homework , to news and gossip from school, photos, music...You'll even find a way to earn extra credit ; answer the questions that you find in the blog and see how your grades improve!

So add it to your favourites now!

We hope you'll take part in it too, sending us things you think are interesting or funny, and then we'll turn it into a really cool blog.

Hope you like it!

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Welcome Back!! It's a very short term!

Hi there, welcome back, and we hope you had a great Easter holiday.

Our team of dedicated journalists has been following events and have come up with these two funny bits from the Royal Wedding.
We've called it; "People in uniform being silly"

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