Date: 6th of June, 2011 (3º -4º ESO)

09:30 h Departure
10:15 h Arrival
2 Groups (3º y 4º ESO)
Group 1: 10:30 h -12:30 h Canoes in Laida (aprox. 2 hours)
12:30 h -14:30 h Trekking up to Saint Peter of Atxarre
Group 2: 10:30 h-12:30 Trekking up to Saint Peter of Atxarre
12:30 h -14:30 h Canoes in Laida (aprox. 2 hours)
Swimming costume
Comfortable clothes and trainers
Flip-flops (Important!)
Sun cream
Light jacket (if bad weather)
The price of the trip is 18,5 € ( 10,5 € for the canoe hire and 8 € for transport)
It sounds good! I did it some years ago with a group of friends, and I really enjoyed it! Hope you have fun too!!