School Calendar


Hi there, and welcome to the English department's blog at La Merced.

This is where you'll find all kinds of things, from instructions for your homework , to news and gossip from school, photos, music...You'll even find a way to earn extra credit ; answer the questions that you find in the blog and see how your grades improve!

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Hope you like it!

Friday, 11 November 2011

Spanish boots of Spanish leather.

Nowadays, we travel all over the world, and there are very few places that we can't visit.
But before the age of air travel the world was full of mysterious places that people knew very little about. Spain was especially mysterious, because it was a closed society, and the only images that reached the outside world were photographs of Andalucia, and the poetry of Lorca, peasant villages and dark eyed dancing girls, mule trains and orange groves. Spain was something Dylan had only read about; so when he writes a love song about a girl who's going away he sings of; "the mountains of Madrid, and the coast of Barcelona" and because he knows that she isn't coming back, he asks her to send him something to remember her by; "Spanish boots of Spanish leather"
Enjoy this great song!

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