School Calendar


Hi there, and welcome to the English department's blog at La Merced.

This is where you'll find all kinds of things, from instructions for your homework , to news and gossip from school, photos, music...You'll even find a way to earn extra credit ; answer the questions that you find in the blog and see how your grades improve!

So add it to your favourites now!

We hope you'll take part in it too, sending us things you think are interesting or funny, and then we'll turn it into a really cool blog.

Hope you like it!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Behind the scenes at the opera!

A group of students and teachers were invited to visit the Euskalduna opera house this evening and we were given a guided tour of the dressing rooms, the backstage areas and the dress rehearsal of the opera that opens on Friday; "Tristan und Isolde" by Richard Wagner. We were lucky enough to see the last half climactic hour, the famous death scene that is the high point of the opera. Thanks Marta for arranging it. In November we can do it again! this time for "Romeo and Juliet" You are welcome to join us.

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