School Calendar


Hi there, and welcome to the English department's blog at La Merced.

This is where you'll find all kinds of things, from instructions for your homework , to news and gossip from school, photos, music...You'll even find a way to earn extra credit ; answer the questions that you find in the blog and see how your grades improve!

So add it to your favourites now!

We hope you'll take part in it too, sending us things you think are interesting or funny, and then we'll turn it into a really cool blog.

Hope you like it!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Drugs kill another who had everything

I've never been a fan of this kind of music, but this is a great song.
R.I.P. Witney Houston

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Sky diving from the edge of space.

This man is going to jump out of a baloon, and fall to earth faster than the speed of sound. The smallest problem in his special suit will be the death of him, but here he is, being interviewed with a big smile on his face. His name is Felix, and they say that cats have nine lives. Good luck Felix!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Dream sequences. Surfing. Can't swim? It doesn't matter. You will love this.

This is the best surfing video I've ever seen. It was made in Tahiti, in the South Pacific,where the grass is green and the surf terrific! Enjoy it you board freaks, and everyone else.Not long now until summer.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

By popular request!

Here's a little something for all you JB fans out there.

I've included something for everyone.